After months and months of preparations the wedding came our beautifully! The programs, decor, cake, paper airplanes, and the bride and groom of course, were all perfect!
Below you have some photos and details shots from the wedding to see the overall look 🙂 It was fun!
Flowers: Bride green orchid with berries and greenery and peacock feathers. Bmaids, teal with white lillies
my bouquet
grrom wore bronze and Gmen wore teal
escort cards
closeup of escort cards
cupcake tower!
illustration explaining 4 flavors in tower
personalized napkins with wedding logo in bronze
Destination postcard table names with destinations that the bride & groom have visited together
the backs of the postcards have pics of the B&G together in that destination with a note
bubble girl and “arras” coins bearer
jelly bean bag with airplane motif decorated the tables
guests having fun with program puzzles
1950 Chevy getaway car.
adorned servingware
customized paper airplanes in lieu of rice
ring bearer plate by LaNique on Etsy
bridesmaids wore black convertable dresses with teal shoes and hairpieces
Guest escort cards: luggage tags with destinations (tables)